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5 Courses


Hazard Communication

Hazard Communication

To address the growing number of hazardous materials in the workplace, this workshop will introduce Hazard Communication, its importance to a company, as well as meeting staff training requirements. Safety data sheets, labels, hazard communication standards, health information, and 5 categories of chemicals will also be discussed, among others.



Comunicación de Riesgos

Para abordar el creciente de materiales peligrosos en el entorno laboral, este taller introduce comunicación de Riesgos, su importancia para una empresa, así como cumplir con los requerimientos de adiestrar al personal. También se discutirán las hojas de datos de seguridad, etiquetas, norma de comunicación de riesgos, información sobre la salud y 5 categories de quimicos entre otros



Office Health And Safety

Productivity of a company begins with the health of its employees. While it is not always possible to eliminate sickness, with the proper tools, reducing the illness and its effects can be within your reach. With this course, you will obtain what it takes to keep yourself and co-workers healthy.



Safety In The Workplace

Those who are in management are responsible for protecting the safety of their employees. Workplace safety, however, is the responsibility of everyone in an organization. Companies have legal obligations to meet certain safety requirements, but many go further than the minimum obligations. Safety standards and procedures must be put in place, and everyone needs to follow the standards in order for them to be effective.



Universal Safety Practices

The importance of safety cannot be overstated. Every organization is responsible for the safety of employees while they are working. In 2015, OSHA estimated safety problems cost companies $1 billion a week. Understanding and universal safety practices and how to implement them will help keep everyone protected while ensuring the company’s financial security. 
