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5 Courses


Managing Workplace Harassment

Oh, you may say, “not in my office,” or “not our team,” but workplace harassment is an increasing issue in the organizations today.  It can come in the form of a slap, a phrase, an email, or reassignment of duties.  Harassment is not okay and it is illegal.  Harassment needs to be reported so that the company can handle the issue properly and remediate any future problems.



Workplace Bullying

Workplace Bullying. Training on preventing bullying in the workplace is crucial in creating a workplace that is inclusive and safe for all to work. This training will introduce you to your company's responsibility with regard to preventing bullying as well as the effects of bullying. It talks about what to do if one is being bullied or witness another person being bullied. It will also describe the steps that should be taken when it is determined that employees are not in compliance with the business policy.



Workplace Diversity

With the world becoming more mobile and diverse, diversity has taken on a new importance in the workplace. This workshop will help participants understand what diversity is all about, and how they can help create a more diverse world at work and at home.



Workplace Harassment

Welcome to the Workplace Harassment workshop. Workplace Harassment can be based on a variety of factors that differ from one person to another, such as race, sex, and disability.

This course will give you the tools necessary to recognize harassment in the workplace, as well understand your rights and responsibilities under the law. It will also touch on safety in the workplace, which is in of itself a critical item  in any organization.

Three main actions constitute harassment:

1. When someone is doing something to you to make you uneasy.

2. When someone is saying something to you to make you feel uneasy.

3. When someone knowingly puts your life at risk in some way."



Workplace Violence

Workplace harassment is illegal and destructive to any organization. It is important to treat everyone in the workplace with respect and dignity. Workplace harassment must be identified, discouraged, and prevented in order to keep a hostile work environment from developing. Left unchecked, harassment can escalate into violence. Workplace harassment training is essential to the welfare of all businesses and their employees. 

Allowing workplace harassment to continue will cause legal problems while destroying company morale. Many people are uncertain about what constitutes harassment, and they are confused when their actions are pointed out as demeaning. Legally, harassment is any word, gesture, or action that offends people or makes them feel uncomfortable or intimidated. You never know how sensitive people are, so never say or do anything if you are not certain how it will be received.
